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August 1, 2013

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Join the Opposition to NY’s (un)SAFE Act today!

August 1, 2013

un-SAFE act

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February 11, 2011

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Current Distress Level48.5  Updated 02/08/2011

  • Unemployment: 9.00%
  • GDP (-1): -2.79%
  • 100 – TCU: 24.00%
  • Consumer Price Index: 1.50%
  • Debt/Income Ratio: 16.78%

 November 18, 2009 Distress Level: 59.9

  Historical Average: 43.8

    2000’s Average: 46.58,  George W. Bush Avg: 46.4

Unemployment: 10.20%,  GDP (-1): 2.50%,  100 – TCU: 29.30%

Consumer Price Index: -0.20%,  Debt/Income Ratio: 18.05%

For Methodology, Historical analysis, and additional stats – goto:


liberty%20v%20tyranny   Photobucket   OBAMUNISM                         Any questions !


New York State Should Assert our 10th Amendment Rights

The time has come for the New York State Legislature to assert our 10th Amendment Constitutional rights.

We are a sovereign state and it is important that we end Washington’s practice of trying to govern all 50 states. Federal legislation is coming with too many strings attached. Politicians in Washington actually believe that they can spend our money wiser than we can.

Quite frankly, I do not have much trust in the Washington and Albany establishments, and as we prepare to elect better leaders and fresh faces in 2010, someone in Albany needs to stand up now for New York taxpayers and take on this initiative.

I am calling for any elected official, of any party, to show some leadership and offer legislation to appropriately assert our sovereignty as a state.

New York is not a branch of the U.S. government.

— Lee Zeldin (Candidate for New York State Senate)


February 2011

March 2010

For updated real time (outrageous) numbers, right click-open new tab or window:

God Bless this young lady Sara Warmack, winner of the Tropicana speech contest, and her wonderful parents. This is fantastic, lets help it go viral.
And how about this guy, one of our very own. This song is written and performed by Norm Cady, Lakewood, Ny, engineered by Anthony Brown. Copyright © 2009      This is great !   Please visit:…  if you are interested in purchasing a CD.   Bless him, he’s using the proceeds to help support SarahPAC.

A Tale Of Two Republican Parties-A must read

This is a great article, we thank the author for his candor.

A Tale Of Two Republican Parties.

Posted by : Skip MacLure March 5, 2010 – 6:29am

On one side we have the party Conservatives. On the other we have the RINOs. You’ll notice there is no middle category here. I think that all but the densest, tunnel-visioned and hide-bound ‘old guard’ Republicans have figured out that the Patriot Movement (what they and the lame-stream press love to call ‘the Tea Baggers’) is no flash in the pan, and has just grown stronger despite the worst the leftist press and the Democrat spin machine (and some Republicans) could do to denigrate it and drive wedges into it. Their breathless characterization of a third party fell flatter than last week’s beltway champagne.

It is, by any measure, the new voice of the Republican party and, in point of fact, is not being controlled by the Party but is pulling the party along behind it. The new Conservative Republican party has a bright future, with a highly motivated and self-aware membership made up of solid conservative patriots who are determined that the principles of freedom that make this country great will be upheld.

We have come very close to losing our country. We might yet. The forces of freedom have been marshaled to stop the march to totalitarianism none too soon. We have some really promising rising stars in the party. Wholesome, grounded Conservatives like Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan, who single-handedly carved President Obama’s arguments to shreds at the health care summit. We have Michael Pence, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachmann and others.

Then we have the RINOs. There is really no room for these people in our party going forward, their names are familiar to us all and the damage they have caused well known. Several are facing primary challenges as we speak, others will retire rather than face the just retribution of their constituents. Those who are not up for election this cycle such as Lindsey Graham (amnesty, green jobs, carbon tax) will be voted out next time around. John McCain faces a strong challenge in Arizona and none to soon. After all the damaging and totally wrong-headed stuff he has signed off on you’d think he’d learn. Now he’s out to try and regulate the vitamin and food supplement industry so that the government can destroy more private business. Maine’s Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins are two more that need to go.

The Democrat party is not the party of my grandparents, or my parents for that matter. It is a party of committed ideologues run by Leftists, Progressives, Marxists, Communists (name your poison), whose only goal is to fundamentally change this country into that of a socio-Marxist state. There are some principled people left in the party, albeit isolated and powerless. The very nature of the party mission does not permit dissent nor foster independent thinking or opinions. Those who do not march in lockstep with the leadership are treated as outcasts, in some instances given the treatment that resulted in Senator Joseph Lieberman leaving the party.

This is the face of the enemy. We have to win. There is no option.

This is why a new, vital Conservative Republican party is being forged.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2010

President Reagan unknowingly describes the aims of the Patriot Movement:

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’
The Federal Reserve — the quasi-autonomous body that controls the US’s money supply — is a “Ponzi scheme” that created “bubble after bubble” in the US economy and needs to be held accountable for its actions, says Eliot Spitzer, the former governor and attorney-general of New York. Advocating in favor of a House bill to audit the Federal Reserve, Spitzer said: “The Federal Reserve has benefited for decades from the notion that it is quasi-autonomous, it’s supposed to be independent. Let me tell you a dirty secret: The Fed has done an absolutely disastrous job since [former Fed Chairman] Paul Volcker left….

McConnell Blasts Government Over ‘Gag Order’ on Private Health Care Provider

U.S. health officials launched an investigation into Humana after the Louisville-based company mailed a letter to patients enrolled in its Medicare Advantage plans, alerting them that President Obama’s health overhaul could eliminate important benefits of the program.



Tea Parties Bad, But G-20 Protests Good?


Walid Phares   – – September 23, 2009

 Support Democracy Not Dictators


This is a United Nations which has completely abandoned its original principles.

Tracking Your Taxes: Sending Billions in Aid to Despots and Wealthy Nations

The U.S. spends billions in taxpayer money on foreign assistance each year, but large pieces of the $36.7 billion aid budget will be going to countries whose leaders attack the U.S. — and to others that are already rolling in dough.

By William La Jeunesse,, Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Critics Assail Obama’s ‘Safe Schools’ Czar, Say He’s Wrong Man for the Job

Critics say Kevin Jennings is too radical for the job of director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, citing what they say is his promotion of homosexuality in schools, his writings about his past drug abuse and his onetime contempt for religion.

By Maxim Lott,, Wednesday, September 23, 2009

President Obama’s “safe schools czar” is a former schoolteacher who has advocated promoting homosexuality in schools, written about his past drug abuse, expressed his contempt for religion and detailed an incident in which he did not report an underage student who told him he was having sex with older men.

Conservatives are up in arms about the appointment of Kevin Jennings, Obama’s director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, saying he is too radical for the job.

Jennings was appointed to the position largely because of his longtime record of working to end bullying and discrimination in schools. In 1990, as a teacher in Massachusetts, he founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which now has over 40 chapters at schools nationwide.


Fund: Don’t Forget Obama’s ACORN Connections

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:20 PM  
Only one of the five television networks that interviewed President Obama for their Sunday shows bothered to ask him about Acorn, the left-wing community organizing group whose federal funding was cut off last week by an overwhelming vote in Congress, writes political analyst John Fund in The Wall Street Journal.“‘Frankly, it’s not something I’ve followed closely,” Mr. Obama claimed, adding he wasn’t even aware the group had been the recipient of significant federal funding. “This is not the biggest issue facing the country. It’s not something I’m paying a lot of attention to,” he said.” Mr. Obama took great pains to act as if he barely knew about Acorn. In fact, his association goes back almost 20 years…..

~ ~ ~

“I believe that 100 percent of those who are opposing him (Obama) now would be against him if he were a white Democrat.” – Bill Clinton, who also dismisses Jimmy Carter’s comments on race and advises the Republicans to come up with a plan similar to Newt Gingrich’s “Contract With America”.



September 13, 2009

It may seem unfortunate but Congressmen Wilson was right. He is a man of integrity and to heck with political correctness anyhow. Stand with Joe.     You can contact Joe below:

Obama’s Congress Speech Full of Lies

Sunday, September 13, 2009 5:18 PMBy: Ralph Reed

Obama’s Policies Have U.S. at Crossroads of Survival



Sep 21, 2009
By succumbing to indifference and self-indulgence, Americans have the numbing, mindless power to plunge their beloved land into a long, dark Arctic winter of political, economic, and social retrogression, followed by historic extinction.

Obama Radicalizes Democratic Party in His Own Image



Sep 14, 2009
Republicans seeking bipartisanship will have to get it through their heads that in the new world of Barack Obama there is only one party, only one party line. Go back and read Karl Marx.

Americans Must Not Forget Gift of Liberty



Sep 21, 2009
America once was the closest thing to an ideal society this world has known. And it was certainly the envy of the world. We all thought it would go on forever that way, didn’t we? How then, have we become the generation that has begun to see our liberties lost?

IG Reviews ACORN’s Involvement With Justice Dept       Monday, September 21, 2009

WASHINGTON — An internal watchdog at the Justice Department said Monday he was reviewing the agency’s involvement with the activist group ACORN.   Inspector General Glenn Fine wrote Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, that his office would examine whether ACORN sought or received any Justice Department grant money, or conducted any reviews of ACORN’s use of such money. More than a dozen state and local authorities are also scrutinizing ACORN, including Maryland’s attorney general……
Thomas Sowell :: Columnist
by Thomas Sowell
Sept 8, 2009
Sept 1, 2009

ABC’s John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama’s anti-American ‘Health Care’ Plan

Posted on September 10, 2009

Note: Mr. Stossel has now left ABC for Fox News (Good for him!)

CZARS and more Czars

September 11, 2009

(by the way, we despise the use of this commie term!)

Glenn Beck: Sunstein ‘Most Dangerous’ Czar

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 6:38 PM

By: Jim Meyers

Conservative talker Glenn Beck says Cass Sunstein, who is awaiting Senate confirmation as President Obama’s new Regulatory Czar, “is probably the most dangerous czar out there.”

Sunstein, a Harvard Law School professor and longtime friend of Obama, would head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and oversee all governmental regulations.

Beck blasted Sunstein on the air Wednesday and outlined several of his positions:

Sep 02 2009

Obama’s ‘Green Czar’ Van Jones: ‘Green Jobs’ Goal is ‘Complete Revolution’ Away From ‘Gray Capitalism’ [update 6: 9/11 Truther and The Nancy Pelosi Connection]‘green-jobs’-goal-is-‘complete-revolution’-away-from-‘gray-capitalism’/

Van Jones a failed radical revolutionary changes his persona just enough to be able  sneak in the back door as a greenie all the way to White House! Obama & Dems embrace him. The far left ideologues Obama surrounds himself with are far to numerous to not be a reflection of Obama’s politics.

Van Jones stated he made his controversial remarks before he worked for Obama Admin. As if that makes much difference. The audio in the YouTube video below is dated April 8 2008.

Update 2:

This is an interesting nugget according to this article Jones and Nancy Pelosi worked together developing the 2007 Energy Act. Not the same thing but damn close. If true. Why would Pelosi corroborate with a communist leaning character such as Van Jones to help her with the 2007 Energy Act?

Oakland’s program inspired U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring the idea to the national level. Jones helped her develop a bill for Congress, and he formed the national Green for All Campaign to rally support. It worked: Congress passed a 2007 Energy Bill that included $125 million for green-collar job training.

Jones also caught the attention of Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Obama.

Previously Van Jones’ (founder of STORM) communist manifesto:  “Reclaiming Revolution: history, summation & lessons from the work of Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)”

Obama’s Thugs Stifling Free Speech

September 11, 2009

by Pam Gellar  

August 10, 2009

America has been sucker punched. The unifier, the great post-racial, post-American president, has adopted the street tactics of Chicago thug politics. His ACORN/SEIU/Union goons are beating up decent American citizens at town hall meetings. And with the violence comes vilification: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has claimed that protesters are “carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”


Union thugs beat up a protester, Randy Arthur, at Florida Democrat Congresswoman Kathy Castor’s town hall meeting in Tampa on Aug. 6. Castor’s union thugs also shut the doors to prevent the opposing opinions from being heard. Fifteen hundred people were there, but they would not let them in the front door. When the doors were finally opened, only about 75 people were allowed in. Meanwhile, by the time those 75 were let in, the union and ACORN thugs had already been quietly ushered in through the back door, and had already taken seats that were reserved for them in the front. Castor herself then proceeded to leave, not taking any questions, claiming that it was because she “couldn’t hear.” Translation: she doesn’t have answers, because she hasn’t read the House bill.


And in Missouri, over 1,000 St. Louis Tea Party taxpayers showed up to attend the Russ Carnahan town hall meeting in South St. Louis. They too were locked out — while the Carnahan staff was sneaking members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in the side door marked “handicapped.” Remember: President Barack Obama paid out at least $2.25 million to the SEIU, the nation’s largest labor union. And SEIU COPE-PAC spent $13,355,389 to get Obama elected president. SEIU paid for door-to-door canvassing for Obama, voter identification and registration, and phone banks.


The thugs were attacking free citizens. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has this: “Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with ‘Don’t tread on me’ printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack. ‘It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,’ he said.”


Not for conservatives. Not for free Americans.


Expect a lot of this, folks. Expect to fight for your right to speak freely. They are co-opting the heartfelt outcry of great Americans as a propaganda trick. They will pack town halls this summer with their paid street thugs and video the proceedings with shaky cameras so that their media shills and whores will happily run the video as the “American street.”


Meanwhile, leftist bloggers are trying desperately to substantiate the lies that Pelosi, Obama’s thugs, and the disinformation blogs on the payroll of subversive groups are spreading like so much manure. They are photoshopping pictures to make it look as if the protesters are acting like leftwing thugs. The Huffington Post ran a closely cropped picture with this caption: “In one image, a young man with a shirt that reads ‘Hitler Gave Great Speeches Too’ is photographed making what looks like a Hitler salute. TalkLeft blogger Jeralyn Merritt interviewed the teen, who told her he was 16 and hailed from former Gov. Sarah Palin’s hometown of Wasilla, Alaska. The progressive website FireDogLake, has more.”


The HuffPo took down this post after I called them on it, but by then it had already spread all over the Net. This sweet boy should sue. This is libel. He should sue every blog that ran this smear.


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told demonstrators: “Behave yourselves like your mom would probably tell you to do.” Look who is preaching us about civility: this thuggish administration. The good news is that the American people are too smart to fall for such cheap tricks. The good news is that now average, ordinary Americans can see how evil and deceitful the Democrats are. It is no longer a media story they never heard or saw. It is the American citizen. The average American is being smeared. Now it is in the daily fabric of their lives. I hope the Democrats keep the mask off, so that everyone can see the fifth column at work.


This is turning into a low grade civil war. Are Obama and Pelosi and their allies ratcheting up civil unrest so that they can call in reinforcements?


The nerve of these thugs. They are fascists. Do not back down. Do not cower. Do not go quietly into the night. You will be locked out. So what? Chant from the street. And get everything that happens on video.


Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs Web site and former associate publisher of the New York Observer. Her Op-Eds have appeared in the Washington Times, Newsmax, Human Events, WorldNetDaily, the American Thinker, Israel National News, and other publications.

Sep 10 2009

Hypocrisy! Democrats Boo Bush During 2005 State Of The Union Address

Listening to Democratic histrionics about civility in the aftermath of Joe Wilson’s “liar” outburst, you’d almost think they hadn’t booed and yelled “no” at President Bush during his 2005 State of the Union. Turns out they did!

This is the tip of the iceberg on this one. President Bush wasn’t called a liar once, but many times in various speeches by various Democrats – and now these hypocrats want to sanction Wilson. They should sanction half their own caucus !

HCAN organizer explains how to block opposing views

September 10, 2009


Another ACORN Exposed! D.C. ACORN (also) Enabling Pimp’s and Ho’s [video]

September 10, 2009
Sep 11 2009
 And then, we drove down to DC…Well…well…well…it seems the Baltimore ACORN undercover investigation is not an isolated incident. ACORN employees in Washington D.C. are also more than willing to lend a helping hand to pimps planning on the sex trafficking of underage girls.

What do ya wanna bet the ACORN employee’s in question were already counting the money in their head from bordello kickbacks…

Your tax dollars at work. Social justice in action.

Again (as in Baltimore) the ACORN employee does NOT blink an eye when told of the under age girls that will be thrown into prostitution! Shut them DOWN! The entire organization is rife with corruption but this takes the proverbial cake.

Watch the Videos for yourself:
Link @YouTube

Link @YouTube

I have a feeling the surface of the corrupt ACORN has barely been scratched.

The best part: This exposed ACORN is located right under the nose of Obama. Obama must be aware of what ACORN is all about. He has seen the organization from behind the scenes. Despicable…

Let’s see if he can manage to ignore this one. The same goes for the see no evil, hear no evil, report no evil –MSM. With the exception of FOX News that is…

Update: From the desk of Congressman Steve King (R-IA):


“Taxpayers should be outraged that their money has gone to an organization that, in addition to facing charges of voter fraud and tax violations, is willing to facilitate prostitution,” King said. “As this video confirms, ACORN continues to operate as a criminal enterprise. Nancy Pelosi, John Conyers, Barney Frank and other Democrats on Capitol Hill continue to protect and fund ACORN while blocking Congressional hearings on ACORN’s operations and finances. Shielding ACORN from oversight ensures that this partisan criminal enterprise will continue its shady practices while collecting taxpayer funds.”

Accomplices, Accessories, Aiders, and Abettors.


Is ACORN Intentionally Structured as a Criminal Enterprise?

Since 1994, more than $53 million in federal funds have
been pumped into ACORN, and under the Obama administration, ACORN stands to receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available stimulus funds.

Video: Shocker! Dems Protect ACORN

Obama to ACORN and Other Community Organizers: “…we’re going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda”

Obama’s ACORN Doesn’t Fall Far From The Project Vote Tree

Transcript: Obama’s Speech AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic 9-7-09

September 9, 2009
Sep 07 2009

Reality check:

Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans believe that labor unions make our country weaker, while just 26% say unions make the nation stronger.


Nearly one-out-of-two Americans (48%) also think unions have outlasted their usefulness. Twenty-nine percent (29%) disagree, and 23% are undecided.


Now on with the Obama organized labor mutual  love fest


President Obama sure has been disingenous in emulating Lincoln considering

his actions have been totally opposite these words. (and they weren’t just

words as Lincoln supported them with deeds)